
The Tony Robbins Podcast

“Why live an ordinary life, when you can live an extraordinary one?” Tony Robbins, the #1 Life and Business Strategist, has helped over 50 million people from 100 countries create real and lasting change in their lives. In this podcast, he shares proven strategies and tactics so you, too, can achieve massive results in your business, relationships, health and finances. In addition to excerpts from his signature events and other exclusive, never-before-released audio content, Tony and his team also conduct deeply insightful interviews with the most prominent masterminds and experts on the global stage.
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The Tony Robbins Podcast










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Nov 21, 2018

What does it take to be happy?

We live in a culture where happiness is largely based on external forces - like what we get and what we achieve. And when our life conditions don’t match our expectations, we experience pain and fear. We suffer. But imagine what it would feel like to create a constant sense of inner peace and freedom, and live each day in a beautiful state.

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, you’ll hear a very special conversation with Tony, Sage and Michael Singer, renowned teacher and author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Untethered Soul. They discuss what happiness really is, and what’s preventing you from living a life of peace and joy. They dive into the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that are limiting your consciousness, and shed light on the ways you can commit to the new habits and patterns that will allow you to let go of pain and suffering and start living a life of self-realization.

Discover what’s holding you back from being happy. Tap into unique methods of meditation and mindfulness that you can use to start living in the present moment. This is the time to take the risk and let go of your pain, step into the unknown, and allow life to unfold in the beautiful way it is meant to.

Nov 13, 2018

How many times in your life have you set expectations for yourself? Perhaps you believed you would have achieved a number of goals by a certain time. Or maybe you expected that you’d be married by a certain age. Or that your relationship would last a lifetime. While it’s admirable to set goals, and aspire to find love and connection, it’s also dangerous to tie our happiness to our expectations. Because when reality doesn’t meet our expectations, we often find ourselves lost, confused and in pain.

Welcome back to the Tony Robbins Podcast where we are continuing our breakthrough series -  taking you to events like Date with Destiny, UPW and Business Mastery, where you’ll have a front row seat to life-changing transformations.

And in this episode, you are going to hear Tony work with Dano. Dano has been with his partner for decades. They’ve built a family and a life together, but they are finding themselves at a crossroad. He’s deeply in love, and struggling to let go, blaming himself for the relationship’s trajectory.

Tony works with Dano to take a new perspective on his relationship, and to learn how to trade his expectations for appreciation. They delve into what it means to be truly masculine in this trying situation and why loving his partner ultimately means letting her go.

Oct 30, 2018

One of the most important decisions you could ever make is the person you choose to spend the rest of your life with. Yet so many of us make this decision with blinders on - ignoring some of the most glaring red flags. And it is these red flags that often become very real issues in the relationship, and can lead you down a path of pain, suffering and heartbreak.

In this episode of the Real Breakthrough Series, we’re going back to one of Tony’s most intimate events, where he’s working with participants on building extraordinary relationships. While it may not sound particularly romantic, Tony shows us why love and passion are not the only things that matter when choosing your partner. In fact, he explains just why we must make a concerted effort to choose our partners consciously. And he even offers up the three most critical questions that we must ask ourselves when we are considering this important decision.

Love is not enough. It’s vital. And it’s what life partnerships are built upon. But in the end, it’s not enough. Because opposites may attract, but it’s those with similarities that bond. And if you’re looking to build a lifetime partnership - you must remember that the right person and the right connection are everything.

Oct 17, 2018

When you’re looking through the lens of depression, how do you see the world? How do you react to those around you? And how do you handle obstacles that come your way?

What about when you’re in a state of peace? How do you act? How do you react? Do you sweat the small stuff, or do you just shake it off? Does adversity rattle you, or are you able to approach challenges with confidence and ease?

The fact is that you will have a very different experience in life when you are in a peaceful state, rather than a state of suffering. Your thoughts, actions and reactions - these stem directly from where you find yourself mentally and emotionally. This is why Tony says that the most important decision you will ever make is to live in a beautiful state - even when life doesn’t go your way.

Because ultimately, our lives aren’t shaped by our conditions. Our lives are shaped by our decisions. And you must decide where to direct your focus. An undirected mind operates naturally in survival mode, constantly identifying and magnifying potential threats to our well-being. But the result? A life filled with stress and anxiety.

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, you’ll learn how most people make unconscious decisions, based on habit and conditioning. You’ll see how most people believe that suffering is an inevitable part of life. Frustration, stress, sadness, loneliness - yes, these are emotions we may all encounter - but Tony shows us that we all have the power to step out of these suffering states, and cultivate a life of love, joy, gratitude, playfulness, growth and appreciation. Because life is too short to be mired in suffering. Make the decision to master your mind. Choose a beautiful state, and start living the life you were meant to.

Sep 29, 2018

As a business owner, what is the most stressful thought you have? What keeps you up at night? Is it a fear of failing? The anxiety of the future? Worries about hiring, or firing?

Every business owner will inevitably face daunting challenges that he or she must overcome. That’s just the nature of the beast.

But the stressful thoughts – the worries that we conjure in our minds about the unknown – these are not only impacting your emotional state, they’re hindering your path forward. And it’s up to you to make the decision to take back control of your thoughts, adopt a stronger, more focused mindset, and step into the role you were meant for.

In this episode of the Real Breakthrough Series, we’re taking you back to Business Mastery, where Tony is working with business owners who have given into their negative beliefs, allowing these thoughts to hinder their path to growth.

Tony helps them understand that the challenge they must overcome is their own psychology. He shows them that these thoughts are ultimately just machinations of their greatest fears – and that they only have power if you believe them. But - if you are ready to step out of these limiting beliefs, then you must adopt the steadfast mindset and unshakeable state of a true leader. So that any negative thought that arises is immediately dismissed. And any challenge that comes your way is seen as an opportunity to grow.

Sep 13, 2018

Whose love did you crave most growing up – your mother’s or your father’s? And who did you feel you had to be for that person?

Answering this question will not only help you understand how your identity was shaped, you will start to see just why you do the things you do. You will learn why you are the way you are now. The patterns that you fall into and the standards that you hold for yourself will all start to make sense. Because underneath all of this live six fundamental human needs that you are constantly striving to meet.

In this episode of the Real Breakthrough Series on the Tony Robbins Podcast we’re taking you back to Date With Destiny, where Tony is helping Akila overcome the subconscious boundaries that are holding her back from the life she desires.

Tony begins by asking Akila that critical question: Whose love did you crave most as a child? Because every single one of us has developed a model of the world based on the source of love we craved most growing up. This is the what influences the way we think and the way we act. This is what impacts the way we filter information. And this is what forms the entire way in which we experience the world.

Tony shows us that we all create certain rule structures to support our needs. And he shows us that by uncovering our top two needs, we can begin to gain more perspective on our lives. Because when we are able to take a more objective, enlightened look at ourselves, we are able to find the way to breakthrough and break free of what is holding us back.

Sep 4, 2018

We all encounter challenges in our relationships, some more serious than others, but it’s how we handle them that ultimately matters.For many of us, when we feel pain, we tend to blame our partners. We criticize, close up. We avoid them, ignore them. All to play a game of who’s wrong and who’s right. But when you truly love someone - it doesn’t matter who’s wrong or who’s right. In fact, blame only takes our power away, and excuses only cause us to continue hurting each other.

Welcome back to the Tony Robbins Podcast. On today’s episode of the Real Breakthrough Series, we’re taking you back to Date With Destiny where Tony is working with Teresa and John, a couple fighting their way out of a painful past and trying to figure out a path towards a healthier, happier future.

While Teresa and John have made substantial progress since dealing with infidelity, they still struggle when it comes to constructive communication. They slip back into old ways, making excuses for their behavior and shirking responsibility for their actions. But it’s clear they are still deeply in love, and are committed to finding a better way.

Tony helps them see that if you’re having problems in your relationship, and feeling pain, it’s because you’re focused on yourself, not your partner. He helps them see that you can’t continue to focus on what you’re not getting, and what your partner’s not giving you. Because if you want to build an extraordinary relationship, you need to tear up the rules and start holding yourself 100% accountable for your experience.

Aug 21, 2018

If you’re a business owner, then you know the power of developing and executing a world-class marketing strategy. But how do you go about creating the world-class marketing plan that will set you apart from your competition? How do you find and convey your unique selling proposition?

Marketing isn’t just about doing something unique - it’s about adding more value than anyone else in the game. Doing more for your customer than anyone else. And in this episode, we’re taking you to Business Mastery, where you’ll hear Tony speak with Darcy: a woman who is struggling to find her niche, even despite an impressive resume of clients.

Darcy runs a successful production company that works with some of the biggest companies around the world. But up to this point, Darcy has relied on word-of-mouth to propel her business’s growth. And while her referrals have gotten her up to a certain point, it’s not enough to create the massive impact that she longs for. She needs a world-class marketing strategy.

Listen as Tony shows Darcy how to move out of her own way and eliminate the beliefs that are holding her back. And learn exactly how you can start to find your unique niche, and start building the brand that will take your company to the next level. Because if you do what everyone else is doing but better, you’ll only get an incremental return. But if you do what no one else is doing, you’ll find geometric rewards. Isn’t it time you stepped up your game?

Aug 8, 2018

Why do we have a tendency to hold on to the past? Why do we continue to let the most painful experiences in our lives not only influence, but control our future? And what would life look like if we were able to let go of the past, shed the stories that we carry with us and move forward in a way that is untethered to the pain?

Welcome to the Tony Robbins Podcast. In this episode of the real breakthrough series, we’re diving into a particularly sensitive subject - letting go of past trauma.

Some of you may have endured unspeakable trauma in your lives. But as horrific as these experiences were, you may continue to hold on to them, fervently at times. Because letting go can be terrifying.

But holding on has profound consequences of its own. We continue to give the pain power. We keep cords of energy tied to the people that hurt us. We even let these terrible experiences become part of our identity.

In this episode, you’re going to hear from JoLynn - a woman who endured tremendous trauma in her past. And for years, decades even, she allowed that pain to dictate her life. She lived in a story of hurt, and she suffered massively because of it. But by working with Tony, she was able to step outside of that pain and gain a new level of understanding and perspective. And in a moment, she broke through to the other side - where she was able to let go, find forgiveness and choose a life of love and appreciation.

Jul 24, 2018

What’s the biggest chokehold on your business?

When a business is struggling, most business owners tend to believe that it’s because they don’t have the necessary skills to run a business, or the right strategy to help it grow. But 80% of the time, the chokehold on a business is actually the psychology of the business owner.

Yes, the strategy, skills and tools are all critical components to creating real and sustainable growth. But knowledge alone is not power - it’s simply potential power. You have to be able to execute to make strides forward. And all too often, we are standing in our own way.

In this episode, we’re taking you to Business Mastery, where you’ll hear Tony work with a business owner whose negative thoughts have been overshadowing his potential for greatness.

Dave has convinced himself that he’s not worthy of building a successful business, and in turn, he’s barely scraping by. Tony helps Dave break free from his limiting beliefs and adopt a new mindset that will allow him to create the type of business that will bring his customers more value than anyone else in the game, and allow him to find the joy and fulfillment he has always desired.

Jul 10, 2018

For almost 40 years, Tony has been obsessed with learning the answer to what makes a difference in quality of people’s lives. And he’s worked with more than 50 million people from every walk of life - from some of the world’s most powerful leaders to individuals who have struggled to overcome dire circumstances.

Tony doesn’t teach people just to solve their problems, he helps them solve what caused the problems in the first place - digging into their fundamental beliefs, values and goals. Because that’s where the breakthrough happens.

In this new series of the Tony Robbins Podcast, we are going to be taking you to events like Date with Destiny, UPW and Business Mastery - where you’ll have a front row seat to some of these life-changing breakthroughs.

In this episode, you are going to hear Tony work with Aly. For a lifetime, Aly was fed toxic thoughts from her mother - thoughts she allowed control her life. And as a result, she’s struggled with intimacy, and has moved from relationship to relationship, encountering the same problems.

Tony works with Aly to answer her fundamentally unquestioned thoughts - why she believes certain things, why she expects certain things, and why she behaves in certain ways. He helps her see that her suffering doesn’t just come from the past - it comes from her choice to allow certain beliefs to guide her life. And that if she wants to shift out of pain and loneliness, it’s time to let go of those old thoughts and start living in a way that opens her up to true love.


May 2, 2018

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast we’re continuing our Business Mastery Panelist series with an exclusive interview between Tony and Iqram Magdon-Ismail, the co-founder of the digital payment platform, Venmo.

In case you’re not familiar with Venmo, the premise is simple: you connect the app to your checking account and you can send and receive payments to anyone with just a tap and a swipe of your smartphone. It’s the ideal solution for splitting bills and paying your friends back - especially for anyone who doesn’t like carrying around cash. Venmo makes exchanging money incredibly simple, and it takes the awkwardness out of asking someone to pay you back. Paying for everything from cab rides to dinners to rent and utilities is streamlined.

Venmo was acquired by Braintree in 2012 for $26.2 million, which in turn sold to PayPal for $800 million. And now, Venmo processes more than $6.8 billion in payments per quarter.

Yet as ubiquitous as Venmo is today, it wasn’t an easy path to success. Iqram and his co-founder Andrew Kortina endured countless obstacles in their early years, struggling to raise capital and almost closing their doors at one point.

In this episode, Tony talks to Iqram about the evolution of Venmo, from idea to fruition to acquisition, and how they were able to persevere through the darkest periods. They discuss the importance of learning to embrace criticism, creating your company’s story, and using the no’s to refine your approach to find that pivotal yes.

Apr 25, 2018

If you’re familiar with Tony’s renowned business seminar - Business Mastery, then you know it’s nothing like your average business growth conference. Business Mastery is 5-day immersive seminar where you go to build a platform for explosive growth. Tony takes you on a deep dive into the business growth strategies, systems and resources that you need to take your business to the next level. You learn the innovative strategies that industry leaders like Apple, Zappos and Facebook have used to build massive success. You address the critical factors impacting your own business and learn how you can refocus and realign with a winning business strategy and psychology to compete and innovate in any economy. Because when it comes to business, it shouldn’t be about surviving, it should be about thriving – having absolute mastery, ownership of purpose, and fulfillment like no other.

In this episodes, we’re taking you to a special segment within Business Mastery, where Tony holds a panel discussion with leaders behind today’s fastest growing companies. And this time, you’re going to hear from Jonas Kjellberg: serial entrepreneur, author, investor and most notably – the co-creator of Skype.

Jonas is the ultimate game changer. He’s driven by a deep-seeded passion to shake up the status quo. While others may focus on changing one variable at a time, Jonas has his sights set on changing as many variables as possible. This mindset has led him to take a number of risks and make a lot of big bets – some of which failed spectacularly, and some of which became massive successes like Skype.

Tony and Jonas talk about the evolution of Skype, and how it became one of the internet’s most revolutionary businesses, disrupting the telecommunications sector in a way no one saw coming. Jonas reveals what he has learned from his past failures, and the key lessons he’s taken with him when it comes to eliminating costs, customer acquisition, why every company should be ready to embrace change and pivot on a dime.

Apr 18, 2018

In this episode of The Tony Robbins Podcast, our host Ana is diving into artificial intelligence and machine learning - phrases that are getting tossed around a lot these days - but are shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding.

Helping demystify the hype and break down the pragmatic benefits of AI is Ben Lamm. Ben is the CEO of Hypergiant - a Dallas-based startup that Tony himself invested in! They’re working with big brands and businesses to bring in technology to solve real business problems. For example, Hypergiant recently teamed up with TGI Friday’s to create an AI-powered mixologist, appropriately dubbed Flanagan. Flanagan offers the customers the experience of personalized drink recommendations while simultaneously collecting more data about their preferences. It’s a win-win that enhances customer connection, and ultimately, customer loyalty.

Ana talks with Ben about these types of practical applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning, and we explore other opportunities for businesses to leverage the tech to best meet their customers’ needs. Because most industries are using outdated practices. And as we enter this new era of AI solutions, it’s time to initiate change and encourage your team to start thinking forward.

Apr 4, 2018

Last fall, eight winners of Shopify’s Build a Bigger Business competition were flown to Tony’s Fiji resort Namale for both group and one-on-one coaching sessions with him. One of the winners was an entrepreneur that Tony personally selected from the entrants – Michelle Cordeiro Grant: the founder of Lively, a brand that is fusing athleisure and lingerie to bring comfort and style to women’s intimates.

Michelle began her career with Federated Merchandising Group, creating brands and product for one of the world's largest retailers. Grant instantly fell in love with the entire process from concept to customer, and realized that her passion was in supporting, creating and developing amazing brands and products.

Grant spent the tenure of her career with the industry leaders – Federated, VF Corporation and Limited Brands/ Victoria's Secret. Her work at Federated focused on the development of private label brands and at VFC, Grant was responsible for launching global brands like Nautica Women’s Sportswear. Seeing the shift in the market towards e-commerce, Grant moved to Victoria’s Secret where she focused on merchandising and strategy for VS's digital arm. Once Grant realized she wanted to create her own brand, she spent a number of years at a thriving startup, Thrillist Media Group, overseeing their commerce division. By working for top retailers, traveling the globe to meet world class manufacturers and spending a couple years with an incredible startup, Grant learned the importance of creating a strong brand affinity, crafting a quality product and building a dynamic team.

While working with Victoria's Secret, she learned that this $13B lingerie category, in the US alone, was dominated by this one brand, with one point of view. Grant was inspired to create a completely new experience for the category – one she coined Leisurée – and so LIVELY was born.

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, Michelle sits down with our host, Ana, to talk about her experience with Tony, and the key insights that she took from this session and put to work in her business.


We hear what it’s been like for Michelle to build the Lively brand. We learn how she has strategically leveraged social media, curated an extraordinary customer experience, and created company ethos that serves as their north star when it comes to their most important business decisions. We learn just how Michelle intends to spread her message of body positivity and community all while bringing her customers a brand that makes them look, feel and live confidently.

Mar 22, 2018

What do the greatest leaders of all time have in common? You may think it comes down to a certain sense of charisma or some inhuman level of talent - because that’s what we’ve all been conditioned to think defines a leader. But superstars aren’t the same thing as super leaders. In fact, the greatest leaders often fly under the radar and are actually easy to miss.

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, you’ll be hearing from renowned leadership expert and bestselling author, Sam Walker.

A former reporter, sports columnist and sports editor, Sam founded The Wall Street Journal’s prizewinning daily sports coverage. And most recently, helped launch the Journal’s leadership column. He is the author of Fantasyland, a bestselling account of his time in Tout Wars, America’s top fantasy-baseball expert competition (of which he is a two-time champion). And in his latest book – The Captain Class – Sam profiles the greatest teams in history and identifies the secret sauce that drove these unconventional men and women to achieve massive success.  

Sam and our host, Ana Yoerg, do a deep dive into the behavioral and psychological traits of these individuals and how they have been the driving force behind some of the most legendary teams in history. They discuss the myths about leadership – and how to really identify and cultivate the leaders you see in your own organization. Because it isn’t always obvious. In fact, it rarely is. And as Sam reveals, once you do find these individuals, you need to understand how to effectively partner with them so that they assume a more autonomous role that can ultimately lead the entire team to success.

Mar 14, 2018

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, we’re wrapping up our Business Mastery Panelists series with a woman who changed the way millions of people shop, and the way million of women get ready – Alexandra Wilkis Wilson.

Wilkis Wilson was one of the co-founders of Gilt Groupe - the members-only flash sale site for the most coveted fashion brands. She also served as CEO of Glamsquad, the NYC-based startup that offers on-demand hair and makeup services. And she even started a mobile makeover service called Fitz that helped customers give their wardrobe a fresh start. It’s fashion and beauty - revolutionized.

And at Business Mastery, Tony spoke to Alexandra about each of these companies and how she helped build them into businesses that thrive - even during economic winters. They dig into the secret behind Gilt’s growth, how critical it is to build trust, but still move quickly, and why women have unique advantages when it comes to customer acquisition strategy.

Mar 8, 2018

In this episode, we are continuing our Inside Business Mastery series with an exclusive interview between Tony and John Zimmer: the co-founder and president of the massively popular ride-sharing service Lyft.

2017 was a banner year for Lyft. The San Francisco-based company expanded its coverage to 95% of the United States. And the number of rides per year reached a staggering 375.5 million, which is particularly impressive when you consider that the number was just 162.5 million in 2015.

Part of that explosive growth can credited towards gaining more market share from its biggest competitor. When customers saw Lyft’s values-first, passion over profits motives, many opted out of the dominant ride-sharing platform to start supporting the company with a social purpose. But for Zimmer, it’s not about unseating the competition. It’s about becoming a viable alternative to your own car, and ultimately, reinventing the entire transportation landscape.

Tony and John dive into John’s roots in the hospitality industry, the big problem with the existing transportation infrastructure, and how he’s on a mission to create a better service for everyone. Because disrupting the transportation industry is just the beginning - Lyft is set to pave a new path forward when it comes to how we see our vehicles, how we share rides, and how we can ultimately create a new network of transportation that is all about efficiency.

Feb 28, 2018

If you are familiar with Tony’s events, then you definitely know about Business Mastery. This 5-day immersive seminar is a deep dive into the business growth strategies, systems and resources that you need to take your business to the next level. It’s not just a business growth conference. It’s a platform for explosive growth. You learn the innovative strategies that industry leaders like Apple, Zappos and Facebook used to find massive success. You address the critical factors impacting your own business, and learn how you can refocus and realign with the winning business strategy and psychology to compete and innovate in any economy. Because when it comes to business, it shouldn’t be about surviving - it should be about thriving - absolute mastery, ownership of purpose, and fulfillment like no other.

In the next three episodes, we’re taking you to a special segment in Tony’s Business Mastery event, where Tony holds a panel discussion with the business leaders behind today’s fastest growing companies. And in this first episode - you’ll hear from Slava Rubin, the co-founder of crowdfunding powerhouse Indiegogo.

Rubin founded Indiegogo in 2008 alongside Danae Ringlemann and Eric Schell and has since seen the crowdfunding site explode, hosting over 600,000 crowdfunding campaigns since its inception. Indiegogo now has about 100 employees. And nearly 15 million people from all over the world go to Indiegogo each month to discover ground-breaking products and services that are solving the world’s problems.

You’ll hear Slava talk about how the crowdfunding platform persevered through 93 no’s from venture capitalists. How they finally found their niche. How they continue to stand out from the crowd (no pun intended). And what the future of crowdfunding looks like for Indiegogo.

Feb 13, 2018

What have you been taught about pleasure? What have you learned about sexual connection? Does the very thought of answering those questions make you uncomfortable?


In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, our host, Ana Yoerg, is sitting down with renowned sexologist, Jaiya, and her partner, Ian. Jaiya is the author of Red Hot Touch and Founder of New World Sex Education - a company dedicated to using education to help men and women get the sex lives they’ve always wanted. And her mission is to help unleash erotic ecstasy and shift the cultural view of sexuality from being something that is bad, wrong or shameful to something that is seen as healthy and worth cultivating, and even worth celebrating. You may have seen Jaiya on The Doctors, GMA, Nightline or CNN. And she’s been a guest speaker at Tony’s Platinum Partner events.


And today - we’re exploring the ultimate language of connection, passion and sexual satisfaction - which Jaiya refers to as The Erotic Blueprint. Jaiya created the Erotic Blueprint framework to help you discover your personal map of sexual arousal and how you can understand yourself and your partner on a deeper level than ever before. Because it’s not just about being able to communicate what you need, it’s about speaking the same language as your partner, and learning how to honor and fulfill their needs. This is the path to connection. And it’s the way to opening up new possibility for seduction, enticement and a deeper level of intimacy than you’ve ever experienced before.

Feb 7, 2018

Did you know that a staggering 96% of businesses will fail over a 10-year period of time? And as for the remaining 4%, it does not necessarily mean they succeed, it means that they’ve survived.

So what does it take - not only to launch a business, but to grow and scale is a successful and sustainable way?

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, we’re taking you to Joe Polish’s Genius Network, where Tony recently sat down to give his best advice for entrepreneurs and to discuss what it takes to really change the game.

It’s not just about having the best product or service. And it’s not just about having the strategy or skills necessary to run a company. Because business, as Tony says, is for gladiators. And you absolutely must understand the psychology necessary to wage the battle that is growing a business if you want to succeed.

So what does it take? What are the moments that will define you as an entrepreneur? And how can you bring more value to the table than anyone else? Listen to this episode now to find out how you can scale a successful business and build a brand that will ultimately change the game.


Jan 31, 2018

We all want to have healthy habits. Whether that means eating right, working efficiently, exercising or taking care of yourself emotionally - healthy habits help us lead happier lives. But how do you adopt healthy habits? How do you step out of the struggle and make them part of your DNA? After all - we’re all wired completely differently and respond to inner and outer expectations in our own ways. So what is the solution that will work for you?

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, our host, Ana Yoerg, sits down with best-selling author and happiness expert, Gretchen Rubin.

Gretchen has written four New York Times best-selling books, including: The Four Tendencies, Better than Before, Happier at Home and The Happiness Project. Her books have sold more than 3 million copies worldwide. She hosts an award-winning podcast, “Happier with Gretchen Rubin,” where she discusses happiness and forming good habits with her sister, Elizabeth Craft. And she is widely regarded as the foremost authority when it comes to habits, human nature and happiness.

Gretchen maintains that people fall under 1 of 4 behavioral tendencies - the upholder, the obliger, the questioner or the rebel. It’s about how we respond to both inner and outer expectations. Do you embrace the rules? Do you resist? What compels you? What frustrates you?

Understanding your tendency towards expectations can help you manage your life in a more insightful, productive way. And in this episode, she distills complex psychological tendencies into habit-forming strategies that really work for the individual. So you can make better decisions, meet deadlines, engage more effectively, and even find a better way of understanding other people’s perspectives – allowing you to find more effective ways of communicating, connecting and finding happiness.

Jan 12, 2018

Think back to a time when you felt physically unstoppable – when you were in peak shape. How did it feel to have that kind of energy? What did it feel like to be on the top of your game? And what if I told you that you could feel like that every single day?

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, your host, Ana Yoerg, is joined by renowned medical expert, Dr. Mark Hyman.

Dr. Hyman is a practicing family physician, a 10-time #1 New York Times best-selling author, and an internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advocate in his field. He is a guest speaker at Tony’s Unleash the Power Within event. And he is the Director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, and the founder and medical director of The Ultra Wellness Center, which has a 30,000 person waiting list.

You may have already read some of his works -- his books include The 10-Day Detox Diet, Eat Fat Get Thin and The Blood Sugar Solution. He is also a medical editor at The Huffington Post, has been featured on CBS This Morning, the Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, The View and The Dr. Oz Show. He also just released a new docuseries called Broken Brain, which premiered in October and will be available again on January 17, 2018. To watch all 8 episodes, go to

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