
The Tony Robbins Podcast

“Why live an ordinary life, when you can live an extraordinary one?” Tony Robbins, the #1 Life and Business Strategist, has helped over 50 million people from 100 countries create real and lasting change in their lives. In this podcast, he shares proven strategies and tactics so you, too, can achieve massive results in your business, relationships, health and finances. In addition to excerpts from his signature events and other exclusive, never-before-released audio content, Tony and his team also conduct deeply insightful interviews with the most prominent masterminds and experts on the global stage.
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The Tony Robbins Podcast










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Dec 7, 2016

If you’re going to succeed in anything, if you’re going to take your life to another level and make a real breakthrough, then you need strategies. Whether it is in your relationship, your career, your health, your finances, your happiness – you need to know how to make the shift. Tony Robbins has spent the majority of his life looking for the strategies that bring the quickest results, in the shortest amount of time with the most enjoyment and the least amount of pain. And one of the most powerful strategies he has discovered is modeling.


Success leaves clues. If someone is consistently successful, they aren’t just lucky, they have a strategy that works. And if you study them, you can figure out what it is, and you can learn and adopt their patterns and save yourself decades of trial and error. This modeling strategy is so powerful, that it has become the lifeblood of some of the most accomplished people in the world, including Tim Ferriss.


Tim has been listed as one of Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Business People,” one of Forbes’ “Names You Need to Know,” and one of Fortune’s “40 under 40.” He is an early-stage technology investor and advisor (including Uber, Facebook, Shopify, Duolingo, Alibaba), and the author of three #1 New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers: The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Body and The 4-Hour Chef. His podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, has exceeded 100 million downloads and was selected for “Best of iTunes in 2015” and helped set the stage for his latest book, Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons and World-Class Performers.


Tools of Titans contains the “distilled tools, tactics and ‘inside baseball’ you won’t find anywhere else. It also includes new tips from past guests, and life lessons from new ‘guests’ you haven’t met” – from their morning/evening rituals, daily habits and workout regimens to their core beliefs, values and perspectives. Yet Tim doesn’t merely relay the information, he has taken it, vetted, explored and experimented with it in various situations to yield this 600+ page tome full of high-leverage tools that could completely change your life.


In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, Tony sits down with Tim Ferriss to discuss the evolution of this book and what Tim has discovered about himself during the process. They delve into the power of good questions, building on your strengths and shedding your limiting beliefs. They examine pattern recognition, internal synthesis, and what it means to cultivate happiness. They explore some of the greatest tips, tools and tactics Tim has learned from people like Peter Thiel, Chris Sacca and Peter Diamandis. And they have a candid discussion about coping with the darker periods of life, and how Tim’s perspective on his life’s mission has changed over the years.  



Nov 18, 2016

We’ve all had some area in our life that we said we are going to change. Whether it’s our relationship, our business, finances, career, health -- we all have something that we want to take to the next level, but for one reason or another, we just never made it happen. Maybe we pulled back too soon, or didn’t follow through. Maybe we made an excuse or even sabotaged it before we had a chance to start. Whatever the reason, we just couldn’t break through.

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, Tony delves into the three key components to creating a breakthrough: strategy, story and state. The way you approach a goal, your beliefs about your life, and your mental game form the foundation for any success or failure. But by learning how to take control of these forces, you can take massive action and can create the quality of life that you’ve always wanted.
Oct 29, 2016

Every single day, it seems that we are inundated with programs, products, books and ideas about how to prevent disease, lose weight, and improve our appearance. And we respond to it. So much so, that an estimated $100 billion is spent worldwide searching for that magic formula that will yield amazing fitness and alluring physical beauty. But, in the United States alone, a staggering two-thirds of the population are still overweight, with 25 million suffering from diabetes and half of the population on some type of prescription drug for health problems.

Why is that? Because the solution to these challenges does not lie with any trend or fad diet, nor any pharmacological or technological fix. There are no shortcuts here. Rather, the solution to these issues is not about following a new diet fad or experimenting with a trending workout regime. There are no shortcuts or hacks. The real answer lies in adopting a lifestyle of health, and taking a more conscious and proactive approach to taking care of your body. And a big part of that is becoming more aware of what you are putting in your body.

On this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, we are speaking to the acclaimed food expert that the New York Times and Bloomberg have dubbed “food’s Erin Brockovich” – Robyn O’Brien.


You may have seen Robyn’s TEDx talk on the evolution of food allergies – questioning whether we are allergic to food or what’s been done to it. Or read her best-selling book, “The Unhealthy Truth,” that reveals the alarming relationship between the manipulation of our food and both the increase in dangerous allergies in our children as well as the increase in disease across the country.

And in this interview, you will hear Robyn discuss what it takes to make the commitment to health, what it means to truly eat clean, and what the transformative impact of diet means for not only our physical well-being, but our mental and emotional states as well. You will also hear Robyn dive into GMO safety, antibiotics in meat, organic diets, and, of course, what causes food allergies – all issues that Robyn has dedicated herself towards bringing awareness to over the past decade, working with consumers, corporations and politicians to expose the truth and set real change into action. So we can all have a real roadmap to healthier living.
Oct 19, 2016

In this two-part episode, you will hear a very special conversation between Tony and the late John Wooden. Though this interview happened nearly 20 years ago, it still resonates today. From their insights on consistency and integrity, sincerity and class, Tony and John reveal philosophies, beliefs, strategies and tools that will help you maximize success and happiness every single day.

One of the most successful basketball coaches in sports history, John Wooden led his teams to ten national championships in twelve years. But it was so much more than his win-loss record that set him apart. It was the way he lived his life. Widely acknowledged as one of the most important and thought-inspiring scholars of life, John Wooden’s teachings, words, and vast wisdom continue to influence and inspire not only athletes, but people from all walks of life and from all over the world.

This episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast is brought to you by Tony Robbins Results Coaching.

Are you ready to experience an extraordinary quality of life? Or maybe you’re already doing well, but you know you can take your life to whole new level. To do that, you have to set yourself up to win. You need a process, a way to consistently grow and produce the results you need. And that’s what a Tony Robbins results coach can do for you.

Whatever area in your life you want to change -- your relationship, your health, your career, or your business -- coaching is one of the most valuable tools you can have. It’s an investment in yourself, and it can yield some of the highest returns.

Tony Robbins Results Coaches are hand-selected and trained by the master of coaching -- Tony Robbins himself -- to have the skills that will empower you with supreme focus, powerful insight and the accountability needed to achieve everything you’ve ever dreamed.

Oct 13, 2016

In this two-part episode, you will hear a very special conversation between Tony and the late John Wooden. Though this interview happened nearly 20 years ago, it still resonates today. From their insights on consistency, and integrity, sincerity and class, Tony and John reveal philosophies, beliefs, strategies and tools that will help you maximize success and happiness every single day.

One of the most successful basketball coaches in sports history, John Wooden led his teams to ten national championships in twelve years. But it was so much more than his win-loss record that set him apart. It was the way he lived his life. Widely acknowledged as one of the most important and thought-inspiring scholars of life, John Wooden’s teachings, words, and vast wisdom continue to influence and inspire not only athletes, but  people from all walks of life and from all over the world.


This episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast is brought to you by Tony Robbins Results Coaching.

Are you ready to experience an extraordinary quality of life? Or maybe you’re already doing well, but you know you can take your life to whole new level. To do that, you have to set yourself up to win. You need a process, a way to consistently grow and produce the results you need. And that’s what a Tony Robbins results coach can do for you.

Whatever area in your life you want to change -- your relationship, your health, your career, or your business -- coaching is one of the most valuable tools you can have. It’s an investment in yourself, and it can yield some of the highest returns.

Tony Robbins Results Coaches are hand-selected and trained by the master of coaching -- Tony Robbins himself -- to have the skills that will empower you with supreme focus, powerful insight and the accountability needed to achieve everything you’ve ever dreamed.

Sep 16, 2016

Whatever emotion you’re after, whatever vehicle you pursue — whether it’s building a business, getting married, raising a family or traveling the world — there are six basic, universal needs that make us tick and drive all human behavior. Every single person in this world has these same six needs, but each of us value these needs in different ways, and each of us have varied beliefs about what it means to satisfy those needs. And this is what becomes the driving force behind everything we do, and determines the direction of our lives.

Tony introduced the 6 human needs over 10 years ago, in 2006, at the famous TED conference in Monterey, California. That talk, which was called “Why we do the things we do,” was one of the first 6 TED talks ever, and is now the #6 most viewed TED talk of all time.

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, you will hear Tony delve deeper into the 6 human needs – certainty, significance, variety, love/connection, growth and contribution – and how each influences our thoughts, feelings, behaviors and actions. It’s a taste of what you will experience at his signature event, Unleash the Power Within. And it’s one of the most important skills that you ever acquire. Because by understanding the needs that shape your behavior, you will be able to take back control over your life, and even learn how to create new patterns that lead to lasting fulfilment.


This episode is brought to you by Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within.

Are you ready to create real, lasting change in your life? Whether you are looking to make a massive breakthrough in your business, your relationship, your career, your health or anything else in your personal life — Unleash the Power Within can help you unlock and unleash the forces inside you and let you create the quality of life you desire and deserve. Learn more about UPW and how you can surpass your own limitations to achieve your goals those goals by visiting

Aug 12, 2016

Where do you go from failure? The most successful people in the world have recorded massive failures, and for many of them, failure was the greatest influence in their ascent to greatness. Why?

It comes down to perspective; failure is only the end if you choose to see it that way.

Step 1: Make the decision. We all have the power to choose. We can’t control events, but we can choose what to focus on, we can choose what those events mean, and we can choose what to do now. These three decisions control our lives. So it is not the conditions of our lives, but rather the decisions that determine our destiny.

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, hosts Tony and Mary B. shift the focus to being true, bouncing back, and being all of who you are.

They speak to friend and hero, Siri Lindley. The former 2-time ITU World Champion who just this year was inducted to the USA Triathlon Hall of Fame. She is a Brown University graduate.

Siri has coached a number of Olympic and Ironman athletes to championships, including Miranda Carfare  but why we really wanted to have Siri on the podcast was for the chance to listen to her unique life experiences.

In this episode, Siri opens up about fear, suffering, training, triathlons, coaching, recruiting, Neighbors, and love. She explains to Tony and Mary B. how these life challenges ultimately became her greatest gifts.

Siri and Tony help us to understand that to be truly great at anything, you must always start with yourself.

Listen to the podcast and get the message: Be true. Be you. Be brave. Be relentless. Love is love.


This episode is brought to you by Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within.

Are you ready to create real, lasting change in your life? Whether you are looking to make a massive breakthrough in your business, your relationship, your career, your health or anything else in your personal life — Unleash the Power Within can help you unlock and unleash the forces inside you and let you create the quality of life you desire and deserve. Learn more about UPW and how you can surpass your own limitations to achieve your goals those goals by visiting


Jul 28, 2016

People who succeed in any situation have a pattern of what they do to succeed. It doesn’t matter if that success is in business or in a relationship — it doesn’t matter what the context or environment is. The fundamental lessons or laws of succeeding are very basic, and we call it the Ultimate Success Formula and it is just one of the many fascinating strategies taught at Tony’s mega-popular seminar, Unleash the Power Within.

In this episode, you will hear renowned author, presenter and ultimate performance specialist Joseph McClendon III delve into the Ultimate Success Formula — the four step process that helps you take massive action to get what you really want. It could be dramatic change in your own business,  a much-needed step you need to take in your relationship. Or maybe you’re finally committing to shedding those extra pounds and maintaining a consistent level of strength and vitality. Chances are, you know what it is – that one thing that you know you just need to do, or do better than you are today. And this is the system to use to achieve that goal you have in your mind.


This episode is brought to by Tony Robbins' Unleash the Power Within

Are you ready to create real, lasting change in your life? Whether you are looking to make a massive breakthrough in your business, your relationship, your career, your health or your personal life — Unleash the Power Within can help you take the steps you need to create the quality of life you desire -- and deserve. Learn more about UPW by visiting, where you can take advantage of our best offer of the year — buy one ticket to UPW San Jose and bring a friend, family member -- anyone you care about! -- with you for free. This offer is good until August 8, 2016.

Jul 25, 2016

One of the most fascinating subjects at Date with Destiny is polarity – the masculine and the feminine. It’s the key to creating lasting passion in a relationship, and to establishing not just love, but a deep intimate connection with your partner.

For many couples, the passion and excitement that was once present in the beginning of the relationship fizzles over time. So while they may still have plenty in common, and enjoy doing things together or even share loving moments, they don’t have the electricity and magnetism that they desire.

Why is this story so familiar? In many cases, it comes down to polarity. Because under certain circumstances, men and women will put on the mask of the opposite energy. For example, when stressed, women put on masculine energy as a protection source. And if she is with a masculine male, then the opportunity for passion and connection is non-existent.

To help you understand the role of the masculine and feminine energies, and how to break out of the masks and help yourself and your partner get back to the true self, we are sharing an exclusive look at a previous Date with Destiny event. In this episode, you will witness Tony’s work with a couple struggling to regain the polarity in their relationship, and how a few simple shifts in perspective and beliefs help them achieve an intimacy and connection that brings true fulfillment and happiness to their lives.



To learn more about Date With Destiny visit:

Find out more about Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru at: 


Jul 13, 2016

Hundreds of thousands of people have attended Tony Robbins programs, but there’s an event that only takes place once a year in the States, where 2,500 people from all over the world come to Florida to experience one of his most intimate and intensive seminars — Date with Destiny.

It’s six days of total immersion, and the people who take that journey discover who they are, what drives them, and their ultimate purpose, and they dive deep into how they interact and relate with others. In short, this is the place where they deal with the hard stuff. And with thousands of people in a room, digging into their pasts, envisioning their future, you name it -- you can imagine how emotionally charged the room gets, and how personal of an experience Date with Destiny is.

So it’s not hard to understand why Tony never allowed cameras in to document the event. But that all changed when he met acclaimed documentary filmmaker, Joe Berlinger.

Tony and Joe were first introduced to each other by two other heavy-hitters in the entertainment industry -- Brian Koppelman and David Levien -- who themselves had attended Date with Destiny and ultimately went on to executive produce the documentary.

For those of you familiar with Joe’s body of work, you may be surprised that Joe would have pursued a subject like Date with Destiny in the first place. And you may be especially curious as to why he felt so strongly that he pressed Tony for years to say agree to it.

After all, Berlinger is known for investigative films like the Paradise Lost trilogy about the West Memphis Three, exposing cracks in the criminal justice system, and “Crude,” which is about pollution in the Amazon from giant oil companies. His work, for the most part, has been geared toward taking us into the issues of the world that are often obscured by media or politics, and the uncovering disturbing truths.

So for this film, it’s a bit of a departure in subject. But the motivation, the storytelling, and the deep dive into parts unknown — that’s all there. And that’s what made the endeavor a clear choice for Joe.

The film is called “Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru” and it premiered at South by Southwest in March, followed by a string of showings at film festivals. The documentary has been picked up by Netflix and will premier to members worldwide on July 15th.

For more information about the documentary visit:

Jul 11, 2016

In this special episode, we are going to hear from Joseph McClendon III on one of the simple, yet most powerful neurolinguistic programming (NLP) tools available to you right now.

It’s called the STOP method.  

Whether you find yourself angry, frustrated, stressed, or suffering. Whether it’s a behavior or memory that is causing you pain. Any undesired state of mind — The STOP method will not only help you find neutral ground, it will actually empower you to take back control of your mental and emotional state and elevate your life to the next level.

And as a special bonus, Joseph has an exciting contest to tell you about — a Date with Destiny special where you can win a 5-night stay at the exclusive Namale resort in Fiji or a pair of tickets to the next Date with Destiny taking place in Boca Raton, Florida.


Jul 11, 2016

In this special mini-season, we are unlocking the vaults to bring you exclusive, in-depth conversations between Tony and four truly outstanding achievers and impressive innovators. These dynamic individuals are not just experts in their respective fields — they are pioneers. They are charting new territory and breaking new ground. And their insights, ideas and drive are shaping the world we live in.

With each episode, you will be privy to a wealth of powerful ideas and strategies that you can use immediately to increase income, influence others more effectively, advance your career, enhance your personal relationships, improve your health, eliminate fears, and experience more joy and fulfillment in your life.

In this two-part episode, you will hear an invigorating discussion between Tony and Dr. Gerald Jampolsky and Diane Cirincione, as they delve into forgiveness, letting go of fear, relinquishing control and finding true intimacy.

Dr. Jampolsky, a graduate of the Stanford University School of Medicine, is a world renowned child and adult psychologist. In 1975, he established the first Center for Attitudinal Healing in Marin County, California, where people of all ages, faiths and cultures have a welcoming space to find inner peace and well-being. His wife, Dr. Diane Cirincione, a clinical psychologist, has been working alongside him since 1981. And she is also a current faculty member of the University of Hawaii medical school.

Between the two of them, they have published 16 books including “Love is letting go of fear,” “Teach only love,” and “Goodbye to guilt.”  They have received a number of international humanitarian awards, including one of the American American Medical Association’s highest honors, the Excellence in Medicine Pride in the Profession Award, for contribution of Attitudinal Healing to the mental-health field, for inspiration to others, and for decades of humanitarian service. And over the last several decades, this husband-wife team have been traveling the world, helping others find peace in their hearts and minds through love and forgiveness.


This episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast is brought to you by Tony Robbins Results Coaching.

Are you ready to experience an extraordinary quality of life? Or maybe you’re already doing well, but you know you can take your life to whole new level. To do that, you have to set yourself up to win. You need a process, a way to consistently grow and produce the results you need. And that’s what a Tony Robbins results coach can do for you.

Whatever area in your life you want to change -- your relationship, your health, your career, or your business -- coaching is one of the most valuable tools you can have. It’s an investment in yourself, and it can yield some of the highest returns.

Tony Robbins Results Coaches are hand-selected and trained by the master of coaching -- Tony Robbins himself -- to have the skills that will empower you with supreme focus, powerful insight and the accountability needed to achieve everything you’ve ever dreamed.

Jul 9, 2016

In this special mini-season, we are unlocking the vaults to bring you exclusive, in-depth conversations between Tony and four truly outstanding achievers and impressive innovators. These dynamic individuals are not just experts in their respective fields — they are pioneers. They are charting new territory and breaking new ground. And their insights, ideas and drive are shaping the world we live in.

With each episode, you will be privy to a wealth of powerful ideas and strategies that you can use immediately to increase income, influence others more effectively, advance your career, enhance your personal relationships, improve your health, eliminate fears, and experience more joy and fulfillment in your life.

In this two-part episode, you will hear an invigorating discussion between Tony and Dr. Gerald Jampolsky and Diane Cirincione, as they delve into forgiveness, letting go of fear, relinquishing control and finding true intimacy.

Dr. Jampolsky, a graduate of the Stanford University School of Medicine, is a world renowned child and adult psychologist. In 1975, he established the first Center for Attitudinal Healing in Marin County, California, where people of all ages, faiths and cultures have a welcoming space to find inner peace and well-being. His wife, Dr. Diane Cirincione, a clinical psychologist, has been working alongside him since 1981. And she is also a current faculty member of the University of Hawaii medical school.

Between the two of them, they have published 16 books including “Love is letting go of fear,” “Teach only love,” and “Goodbye to guilt.”  They have received a number of international humanitarian awards, including one of the American American Medical Association’s highest honors, the Excellence in Medicine Pride in the Profession Award, for contribution of Attitudinal Healing to the mental-health field, for inspiration to others, and for decades of humanitarian service. And over the last several decades, this husband-wife team have been traveling the world, helping others find peace in their hearts and minds through love and forgiveness.


This episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast is brought to you by Tony Robbins Results Coaching.

Are you ready to experience an extraordinary quality of life? Or maybe you’re already doing well, but you know you can take your life to whole new level. To do that, you have to set yourself up to win. You need a process, a way to consistently grow and produce the results you need. And that’s what a Tony Robbins results coach can do for you.

Whatever area in your life you want to change -- your relationship, your health, your career, or your business -- coaching is one of the most valuable tools you can have. It’s an investment in yourself, and it can yield some of the highest returns.

Tony Robbins Results Coaches are hand-selected and trained by the master of coaching -- Tony Robbins himself -- to have the skills that will empower you with supreme focus, powerful insight and the accountability needed to achieve everything you’ve ever dreamed.


Jul 5, 2016

In this special mini-season, we are unlocking the vaults to bring you exclusive, in-depth conversations between Tony and four truly outstanding achievers and impressive innovators. These dynamic individuals are not just experts in their respective fields — they are pioneers. They are charting new territory and breaking new ground. And their insights, ideas and drive are shaping the world we live in.

With each episode, you will be privy to a wealth of powerful ideas and strategies that you can use immediately to increase income, influence others more effectively, advance your career, enhance your personal relationships, improve your health, eliminate fears, and experience more joy and fulfillment in your life.

In this episode, you will hear an exciting conversation between Tony and Deepak Chopra, as they discuss the principles of lifelong health, the spiritual forces that shape our lives, and the immense power of the mind-body connection.

Renowned for blending Eastern philosophy with Western medicine, Dr. Chopra is the author of best-sellers such as Ageless Body, Tireless Mind; The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success; and Grow Younger, Live Longer. He is also a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, an adjunct professor of Executive Programs at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and an adjunct professor at the Columbia University Business School.

TIME magazine has described him as “one of the top heroes and icons of the century.” And The Huffington Post global internet survey ranks him as the #17 influential thinker in the world and #1 in medicine. He has authored more than 80 books, which have been translated into over 43 languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers.


This episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast is brought to you by Tony Robbins Results Coaching.

Are you ready to experience an extraordinary quality of life? Or maybe you’re already doing well, but you know you can take your life to whole new level. To do that, you have to set yourself up to win. You need a process, a way to consistently grow and produce the results you need. And that’s what a Tony Robbins results coach can do for you.

Whatever area in your life you want to change -- your relationship, your health, your career, or your business -- coaching is one of the most valuable tools you can have. It’s an investment in yourself, and it can yield some of the highest returns.

Tony Robbins Results Coaches are hand-selected and trained by the master of coaching -- Tony Robbins himself -- to have the skills that will empower you with supreme focus, powerful insight and the accountability needed to achieve everything you’ve ever dreamed.


Jun 28, 2016

In this special mini-season, we are unlocking the vaults to bring you exclusive, in-depth conversations between Tony and four truly outstanding achievers and impressive innovators. These dynamic individuals are not just experts in their respective fields — they are pioneers. They are charting new territory and breaking new ground. And their insights, ideas and drive are shaping the world we live in.

With each episode, you will be privy to a wealth of powerful ideas and strategies that you can use immediately to increase income, influence others more effectively, advance your career, enhance your personal relationships, improve your health, eliminate fears, and experience more joy and fulfillment in your life.

In this two-part episode, you will hear an exciting discussion between Tony and marketing expert and business consultant, Jay Abraham, and learn how a few simple strategies can dramatically increase your income. Known as “The Billion Dollar Man,” Jay has helped over 10,000 businesses and practicing professionals in 400 industries to dramatically boost their revenue and profits. Jay has also been recognized by Forbes Magazine as one of the Top 5 Executive Coaches in the country, and personally conducted more than 150 high-level seminars around the world.


This episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast is brought to you by Tony Robbins Results Coaching.

Are you ready to experience an extraordinary quality of life? Or maybe you’re already doing well, but you know you can take your life to whole new level. To do that, you have to set yourself up to win. You need a process, a way to consistently grow and produce the results you need. And that’s what a Tony Robbins results coach can do for you.

Whatever area in your life you want to change -- your relationship, your health, your career, or your business -- coaching is one of the most valuable tools you can have. It’s an investment in yourself, and it can yield some of the highest returns.

Tony Robbins Results Coaches are hand-selected and trained by the master of coaching -- Tony Robbins himself -- to have the skills that will empower you with supreme focus, powerful insight and the accountability needed to achieve everything you’ve ever dreamed.

To help you get started, Tony is offering podcast listeners a FREE Results Coaching strategy session with one of his top coaches -- a $200 value.

Increase your income with the psychology of abundance.

Develop a more passionate intimate relationship.

Create the body you deserve.

Maximize your true potential and learn how to life on your terms.

Visit and schedule a FREE session today.


Jun 21, 2016

In this special mini-season, we are unlocking the vaults to bring you exclusive, in-depth conversations between Tony and four truly outstanding achievers and impressive innovators. These dynamic individuals are not just experts in their respective fields — they are pioneers. They are charting new territory and breaking new ground. And their insights, ideas and drive are shaping the world we live in.

With each episode, you will be privy to a wealth of powerful ideas and strategies that you can use immediately to increase income, influence others more effectively, advance your career, enhance your personal relationships, improve your health, eliminate fears, and experience more joy and fulfillment in your life.

In this two-part episode, you will hear an exciting discussion between Tony and marketing expert and business consultant, Jay Abraham, and learn how a few simple strategies can dramatically increase your income. Known as “The Billion Dollar Man,” Jay has helped over 10,000 businesses and practicing professionals in 400 industries to dramatically boost their revenue and profits. Jay has also been recognized by Forbes Magazine as one of the Top 5 Executive Coaches in the country, and personally conducted more than 150 high-level seminars around the world.


This episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast is brought to you by Tony Robbins Results Coaching.

Are you ready to experience an extraordinary quality of life? Or maybe you’re already doing well, but you know you can take your life to whole new level. To do that, you have to set yourself up to win. You need a process, a way to consistently grow and produce the results you need. And that’s what a Tony Robbins results coach can do for you.

Whatever area in your life you want to change -- your relationship, your health, your career, or your business -- coaching is one of the most valuable tools you can have. It’s an investment in yourself, and it can yield some of the highest returns.

Tony Robbins Results Coaches are hand-selected and trained by the master of coaching -- Tony Robbins himself -- to have the skills that will empower you with supreme focus, powerful insight and the accountability needed to achieve everything you’ve ever dreamed.

To help you get started, Tony is offering podcast listeners a FREE Results Coaching strategy session with one of his top coaches -- a $200 value.

Increase your income with the psychology of abundance.

Develop a more passionate intimate relationship.

Create the body you deserve.

Maximize your true potential and learn how to life on your terms.

Visit and schedule a FREE session today.


Jun 18, 2016

Is there something in your life that you want to change? Maybe it’s your relationship, or maybe it’s your body, or your career. Well how long have you been wanting that change? And how’s the progress going?

You see, so many of us want change, but for one reason or another, we don’t follow through, and we get stuck just where we are. But imagine all the things you could make happen in your career, relationships, body, finances and emotions if you were just able to tap into the strength and skills that are already within you, just waiting to be unleashed. What would your life look like if you unlocked your own edge?

But how do you get there? How do you condition yourself to harness your inner strength and achieve the extraordinary life you have always wanted?

This is the power of a personal coach.

In this brief episode, you will hear what Tony Robbins has to say about the benefits of a personal coach. Because if you want to create real, lasting change in your life, and you are ready to start achieving the extraordinary quality of life you’ve always wanted, then you are ready to commit yourself to mastery. And the best path to success is with a personal coach.


This episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast is brought to you by Tony Robbins Results Coaching.

Are you ready to experience an extraordinary quality of life? Or maybe you’re already doing well, but you know you can take your life to whole new level. To do that, you have to set yourself up to win. You need a process, a way to consistently grow and produce the results you need. And that’s what a Tony Robbins results coach can do for you.

Whatever area in your life you want to change -- your relationship, your health, your career, or your business -- coaching is one of the most valuable tools you can have. It’s an investment in yourself, and it can yield some of the highest returns.

Tony Robbins Results Coaches are hand-selected and trained by the master of coaching -- Tony Robbins himself -- to have the skills that will empower you with supreme focus, powerful insight and the accountability needed to achieve everything you’ve ever dreamed.

To help you get started, Tony is offering podcast listeners a FREE Results Coaching strategy session with one of his top coaches -- a $200 value.

Increase your income with the psychology of abundance.

Develop a more passionate intimate relationship.

Create the body you deserve.

Maximize your true potential and learn how to life on your terms.


Visit and schedule a FREE session today.

Jun 18, 2016

Is there something in your life that you want to change? Maybe it’s your relationship, or maybe it’s your body, or your career. Well how long have you been wanting that change? And how’s the progress going?

You see, so many of us want change, but for one reason or another, we don’t follow through, and we get stuck just where we are. But imagine all the things you could make happen in your career, relationships, body, finances and emotions if you were just able to tap into the strength and skills that are already within you, just waiting to be unleashed. What would your life look like if you unlocked your own edge?

But how do you get there? How do you condition yourself to harness your inner strength and achieve the extraordinary life you have always wanted?

This is the power of a personal coach.

In this brief episode, you will hear what Tony Robbins has to say about the benefits of a personal coach. Because if you want to create real, lasting change in your life, and you are ready to start achieving the extraordinary quality of life you’ve always wanted, then you are ready to commit yourself to mastery. And the best path to success is with a personal coach.


This episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast is brought to you by Tony Robbins Results Coaching.

Are you ready to experience an extraordinary quality of life? Or maybe you’re already doing well, but you know you can take your life to whole new level. To do that, you have to set yourself up to win. You need a process, a way to consistently grow and produce the results you need. And that’s what a Tony Robbins results coach can do for you.

Whatever area in your life you want to change -- your relationship, your health, your career, or your business -- coaching is one of the most valuable tools you can have. It’s an investment in yourself, and it can yield some of the highest returns.

Tony Robbins Results Coaches are hand-selected and trained by the master of coaching -- Tony Robbins himself -- to have the skills that will empower you with supreme focus, powerful insight and the accountability needed to achieve everything you’ve ever dreamed.

To help you get started, Tony is offering podcast listeners a FREE Results Coaching strategy session with one of his top coaches -- a $200 value.

Increase your income with the psychology of abundance.

Develop a more passionate intimate relationship.

Create the body you deserve.

Maximize your true potential and learn how to life on your terms.


Visit and schedule a FREE session today.

Jun 3, 2016

Only a handful of people have ever had the opportunity sit courtside at an NBA game. But thanks to NextVR, all of that is about to change.

NextVR – the leader in live-action virtual reality broadcast technology – has developed a way to deliver live and on-demand virtual reality experiences to anyone with a smartphone and a VR device, allowing a massive amount of consumers to immerse themselves into environments that they would otherwise never dream of experiencing in reality. An NFL game from the 50-yard line. The PGA Masters up close and personal. The heavy-weight boxing match from ring-side. The World Series from behind home plate. Virtual reality is poised to disrupt the entire athletics and entertainment industry as we know it

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, you will hear from Chairman of NextVR, Brad Allen, about how NextVR anticipated this enormous opportunity in the marketplace and strategically innovated to meet consumers’ needs in a way that no one else ever has.

This episode of the Tony Robbins podcast is brought to you by Business Mastery.

If you’re listening to this podcast it means you’re hungry. Hungry for change, hungry for growth, and ready to have a major breakthrough in your business.

As a partner or founder in more than a dozen businesses that do more than $5 billion in revenue each year, Tony Robbins has learned from the best in the world — the Steve Wynn’s, Marc Benioff's, and Peter Guber’s — what it takes to be successful.  

Whether you’ve been in business for decades or are just getting started, it’s important to get help from someone who’s been there, someone who is going to coach you through it.

That’s why Tony is offering a free, one-on-one business strategy session from one of his top business strategists — a $600 value! Completely free, no strings attached.

If you're listening right now, you go to and sign up for a FREE session with a Tony Robbins trained Business Strategist who has helped business owners just like you to overcome their obstacles and set them on the path to success.

May 27, 2016

When a business is struggling, most business owners shift their entire focus to strategy. But 80% of the time, the chokehold on your business is actually your psychology. Yes, the strategy, the skills, the tools — these are all critical components to creating real and sustainable growth, but knowledge alone is not power, it’s simply potential power. Execution will always create greater results than theory. And execution starts with your psychology.

In this special episode of the Tony Robbins podcast, marketing expert Joe Polish speaks to Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis about their core beliefs, their approach to challenging times, and their path to achieving an extraordinary life.


If you’re listening to this podcast it means you’re hungry. Hungry for change, hungry for growth, and ready to have a major breakthrough in your business.

As a partner or founder in more than a dozen businesses that do more than $5 billion in revenue each year, Tony Robbins has learned from the best in the world — the Steve Wynn’s, Marc Benioff's, and Peter Guber’s — what it takes to be successful.  

Whether you’ve been in business for decades or are just getting started, it’s important to get help from someone who’s been there, someone who is going to coach you through it.

That’s why Tony is offering a free, one-on-one business strategy session from one of his top business strategists — a $600 value! Completely free, no strings attached.

If you're listening right now, you go to and sign up for a FREE session with a Tony Robbins trained Business Strategist who has helped business owners just like you to overcome their obstacles and set them on the path to success.

May 20, 2016

For so many aspiring entrepreneurs, the road stops at an idea. Sure, they may build a website, design a logo, maybe even create a comprehensive business plan. But until they make that first sale, they’re still just a wantrapreneur – that is, someone who spends their time and money on everything else except creating a real business. Real entrepreneurs, on the other hand, care about one thing: building a product or service that people want and making that sale.

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, appSumo CEO and serial entrepreneur Noah Kagan shares his personal tips for building a business, and talks about what it really takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Because the road to startup success is anything but clear, leaving plenty of room for creative ingenuity. But if you don’t have the right tools and mindset, then the only guarantee you have is that your road will stop short


If you’re listening to this podcast it means you’re hungry. Hungry for change, hungry for growth, and ready to have a major breakthrough in your business.

As a partner or founder in more than a dozen businesses that do more than $5 billion in revenue each year, Tony Robbins has learned from the best in the world — the Steve Wynn’s, Marc Benioff's, and Peter Guber’s — what it takes to be successful.  

Whether you’ve been in business for decades or are just getting started, it’s important to get help from someone who’s been there, someone who is going to coach you through it.

That’s why Tony is offering a free, one-on-one business strategy session from one of his top business strategists — a $600 value! Completely free, no strings attached.

If you're listening right now, you go to and sign up for a FREE session with a Tony Robbins trained Business Strategist who has helped business owners just like you to overcome their obstacles and set them on the path to success.

May 11, 2016

Failure to master sales is the ultimate death sentence to any business. World-class marketing that adds massive value will get your audience's attention, but if it doesn't convert sales your business is still going to go under. And yet, mastering sales isn’t as mysterious and mystical as many “gurus” would have you believe. Sales mastery is truly about knowing your ideal client and their needs, systemizing small changes to meet those needs and hiring top performers.
In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, you will hear Tony interview the late Chet Holmes – former sales and marketing advisor to dozens of Fortune 500 companies, founder of Chet Holmes International and author of the #1 bestseller The Ultimate Sales Machine – about the best strategies to implement for optimizing sales within your business. Chet famously institutionalized education-based marketing – creating sales breakthroughs for his client’s no matter their size by knowing the needs of the consumer better than anyone else.

If you’re listening to this podcast it means you’re hungry. Hungry for change, hungry for growth, and ready to have a major breakthrough in your business.

As a partner or founder in more than a dozen businesses that do more than $5 billion in revenue each year, Tony Robbins has learned from the best in the world — the Steve Wynn’s, Marc Benioff's, and Peter Guber’s — what it takes to be successful.  

Whether you’ve been in business for decades or are just getting started, it’s important to get help from someone who’s been there, someone who is going to coach you through it.

That’s why Tony is offering a free, one-on-one business strategy session from one of his top business strategists — a $600 value! Completely free, no strings attached.

If you're listening right now, you go to and sign up for a FREE session with a Tony Robbins trained Business Strategist who has helped business owners just like you to overcome their obstacles and set them on the path to success.

In a world where 96% of businesses fail after 10 years, you must know how to anticipate and how to take advantage.

Take advantage of this offer today.


This podcast is brought to you by Business Mastery.

Do you have the right mindset and skills to take your business to the next level?

Business Mastery is the only event in the world created by Tony Robbins to prepare you to master the mindset and skills you need in business to elevate your game. A one-of-a-kind immersive program, Business Mastery will allow you to understand the critical factors impacting your business, then refocus and realign with the strategy and psychology you need to compete and innovate in any economy.

Remember, business success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics. If you’re ready to learn and master the strategies to help you grow your business and stay competitive, then don’t hesitate. Apply for the next Business Mastery program now.

Learn more about our Business Mastery event at

Apr 30, 2016

Why do habits exist? How can they be changed? And how can they transform our lives and our businesses?

Our habit-making behavior stands at the core of how we live our lives and how we run our businesses. As many as 40-45% of our daily activities are habits, which means that if you don’t get your habits right, you won’t reach your goals. This is why it is so critical to understand the evolution of a habit – how it is formed and how it emerges – and how to use that to your advantage. This will not only help you achieve more in your personal life. It is how your business can figure out how to get customers to change their own habits and form new ones associated with your product or store.

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, you will hear from Charles Duhigg – pulitzer-prize winning reporter for The New York Times, and author of the NYT best-selling book The Power of Habit and the recently released, Smarter Better Faster – as he discusses how harnessing the power of habits can transform our businesses, our communities and our lives.


This podcast is brought to you by Business Mastery.

Do you have the right mindset and skills to take your business to the next level?

Business Mastery is the only event in the world created by Tony Robbins to prepare you to master the mindset and skills you need in business to elevate your game. A one-of-a-kind immersive program, Business Mastery will allow you to understand the critical factors impacting your business, then refocus and realign with the strategy and psychology you need to compete and innovate in any economy.

Remember, business success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics. If you’re ready to learn and master the strategies to help you grow your business and stay competitive, then don’t hesitate. Apply for the next Business Mastery program now.

Learn more about our Business Mastery event at

Apr 22, 2016

How can the average investor prosper and yet still protect himself in these extraordinarily turbulent times? How do we navigate the financial landscape today to create long-term wealth? While you may get many different answers to these questions, one thing remains the same – you must understand the economic environment you are investing in and leverage it to your advantage.

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, you will hear from Ashwin Vasan – CIO of macro hedge fund Trend Capital – as he discusses how he built one of the most successful hedge funds during an economic winter, and the current global trends that may have a tremendous impact on your investment decisions.


This podcast is brought to you by Business Mastery.

Do you have the right mindset and skills to take your business to the next level?

Business Mastery is the only event in the world created by Tony Robbins to prepare you to master the mindset and skills you need in business to elevate your game. A one-of-a-kind immersive program, Business Mastery will allow you to understand the critical factors impacting your business, then refocus and realign with the strategy and psychology you need to compete and innovate in any economy.

Remember, business success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics. If you’re ready to learn and master the strategies to help you grow your business and stay competitive, then don’t hesitate. Apply for the next Business Mastery program now.

Learn more about our Business Mastery event at

Apr 22, 2016

We live in a world where all business owners have to be able to run two businesses: the business you’re in today and the business that you’re becoming. Because the world is changing constantly. We stand at a unique moment in history, where technology is replacing more jobs than it creates. And it is the business owners that are anticipating what is around the corner, rather than only focusing on running the business they’re in now, that will grow and thrive.

How will changes in technology impact you and your business? Could these advancements help or hurt your current model? In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, you will hear from both Tony and Martin Ford – software entrepreneur and author of the Financial Times and the McKinsey Business Book of the Year, “Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future” – as we delve into the power of anticipation and some of the biggest upcoming changes in technology.


This podcast is brought to you by Business Mastery.

Do you have the right mindset and skills to take your business to the next level?

Business Mastery is the only event in the world created by Tony Robbins to prepare you to master the mindset and skills you need in business to elevate your game. A one-of-a-kind immersive program, Business Mastery will allow you to understand the critical factors impacting your business, then refocus and realign with the strategy and psychology you need to compete and innovate in any economy.

Remember, business success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics. If you’re ready to learn and master the strategies to help you grow your business and stay competitive, then don’t hesitate. Apply for the next Business Mastery program now.

Learn more about our Business Mastery event at

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